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Fast charging feature on iPhone phones


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iPhones charge much slower than Android phones. Compared to rivals Samsung, OPPO and others, this can be said to be a weakness of Apple.

The cost of buying an additional charger with significant charging capacity will be very high if you want to quickly charge your iPhone. However, the iPhone has a feature called Low Power Mode, which while useful for fast charging, is not widely publicized.

According to Apple, Low Power Mode on iPhone will disable some features to improve battery life and device performance. Since the release of iOS 9 in 2015, iPhone users have been able to access this option.

When this mode is activated, programs already loaded on the device automatically disable battery-draining functions, such as displaying animations, stopping background app refresh, reducing downtime, and so on. new mailboxes in the Mail app to the absolute minimum, and more. At the same time, the CPU and GPU also suffer a certain amount of performance loss.

The iPhone’s battery life has been extended thanks to these changes. In addition, the battery charging time will be much shorter than usual and will be much faster. Business Insider’s test revealed the truth of this.

According to Business Insider, it can take up to 2 hours and 50 minutes to fully charge an iPhone 6s in standard mode from 17% to 100%. The duration has been reduced to 2 hours and 40 minutes while charging the same battery capacity to 100% in Low Power Mode.

In another test, the iPhone 6s took an hour and a half to fully charge at 66% and 2 hours to reach 93% of capacity, respectively. However, the iPhone 6s was fully charged 73% in an hour and 95% after two hours when it was in Low Power Mode. Except for checking the battery level every ten minutes in both tests, the iPhone was left unused.

According to testing, customers can significantly reduce iPhone charging time by charging the battery while in Low Power mode.

You are using a coin phone and the battery is broken, then I recommend you buy yourself a new phone to have a better experience. If you intend to buy, I would recommend Didongthongminh store. Currently, the store has a lot of phone models on sale, especially old versions of iPhone. Typically, at the store, the iphone x max item is being sought by most people.


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